astronauts running towards a door

University partnerships

Collaborate on research, build relationships, discover new ideas, perspectives and partnerships and find the engineering talent of tomorrow

Industry placement

We partner with local universities to offer an industry placement program to software engineering students completing their Masters or Bachelor program requirements.

Our program runs two days a week over 12 weeks in February and August of each year. All participants complete an introduction to Laravel, TailwindCSS, Alpine and Vue.js. They also learn how to use Figma to create wireframes and app designs, GitHub for version control and collaboration, Slack for communication and Shortcut for project management.

Working as a team participants will build an app from scratch and contribute to live deployed applications.

Research project

Each year we undertake a research project in concert with a commercial client and Griffith University to explore a new concept, test a theory or perform an experiment.

Industry advisory

We contribute to working groups, support industry-university events and speak about career pathways and opportunities for students in software development.